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5 Signs Your Android Smartphone Is Infected With Malware

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1. Bad Battery Life

Android users who don’t perform a lot of battery straining activities have a good idea of how long their battery should last. Malware gives itself away when batteries mysteriously drain quicker than usual. That's usually due to adware, spam-like malware that shows app users an inordinate amount of ads. Continuously displaying aggressive adware will impact heavily on battery life.

Whether the malware is hiding in plain sight by pretending to be a regular application or trying to stay hidden from the user, abnormal battery drainage can often give away the presence of an Android infection.

2. Dropped Calls And Disruptions

Mobile malware can affect ongoing or incoming calls. Dropped calls or strange disruptions during a conversation could indicate the existence of mobile malware that is interfering. If you can't blame your mobile carrier, then some strand of mobile malware could be the culprit. Call your service provider to determine if the dropped calls are its fault. If it is not your carrier, it is possible that someone or something is trying to eavesdrop on conversations or perform other suspicious activities.

3. Inordinately Large Phone Bills

Android malware often infects devices and starts sending SMS (text) messages to premium-rated numbers. While these effects are easily seen in your phone bill, not all malware programs are obviously greedy. They may send an SMS message just once a month to avoid suspicions, or they may uninstall themselves after punching a serious hole in your budget. Whether you use a monthly plan or a pay-as-you-go subscription, checking your bill should make it easy to figure out such message-sending malware has found its way onto a device.

4. Data Plan Spikes

Malware that smuggles data from your device to a third-party can often be detected by an examination of your data plan bill. Significant changes in your download or upload patterns could be a sign that someone or something has control over your device. Setting up data meter quotas might help figure out if a device has been compromised by data broadcasting malware. It will also help dodge high phone bills.

5. Clogged Performance

Depending on device hardware specifications, malware infestation may cause serious performance problems as it tries to read, write or broadcast data from your smartphone. Anybody that has ever had a PC infected with malware should be familiar with this. Imagine rebooting a device several times a day because background-running malware consumes too much processing power to let apps work properly. Performance clogging is yet another sign that malware might be present on your device. Checking RAM (Random Access Memory) use or CPU load could reveal the presence of malware that’s actively running on the device.

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Исходя из этих признаков, встроенный софт от Google (Play etc.) - самое что ни на есть Malware. Подходят, пожалуй, все признаки, кроме 3.

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Если честно, я тоже не сильно удовлетворен качеством материала :rolleyes:

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