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Объем сетевого трафика

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Нет ли у Trend Micro документов по подсчету объема сетевого трафика для продуктов OfficeScan Client/Server Edition и Control Manager?

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Alexey Dudnikov

вот кто и по какой причине генерирует трафик в OSCE


The server generates traffic when it:

● Connects to the Trend Micro update server on the Internet to check for and download

updated pattern files, scan engines, hot fixes, and programs

● Notifies clients to download updates

● Notifies clients about configuration changes

● Notifies clients of a manual outbreak prevention policy

● Notifies clients about Damage Cleanup Services (DCS)

● Notifies clients to send firewall logs

● Reports to Trend Micro Control Manager (only if registered to a TMCM server)


Clients generate traffic when they:

● Start up

● Perform manual and scheduled updates

● Switch from roaming mode to normal mode

● Send statistics to the OfficeScan server

● Connect to the Trend Micro rating server to get website ratings for sites that are non-

HTTPS and also not listed as safe on the OfficeScan server.

примерные размеры файлов

File Type Approximate File Size

Antivirus/malware pattern file 36 MB 24 MB compressed

Anti-virus/malware scan engine 1 MB 760 KB compressed

Anti-spyware/grayware scan pattern file 7 MB 6.9 MB compressed

Anti-spyware/grayware active-monitoring pattern file 15 MB 8 MB compressed

Anti-spyware/grayware scan engine 1.3 MB 600 KB compressed

— 64-bit 2.1 MB 800 KB compressed

Anti-root-kit driver 60 KB 120 KB compressed

Viurs cleanup pattern 2.3 MB 2 MB compressed

Virus cleanup engine 300 KB 290 KB compressed

— 64-bit 600 KB 1.8 MB compressed

Network virus pattern file 140 KB 90 KB compressed

Network virus scan engine (common firewall driver) 2 MB 150 KB compressed

IntelliTrap pattern files 1 MB 400 KB compressed

есть еще документы Sizing Guide по каждому продукту (позволяют определить требования при определенных нагрузках), но их надо запрашивать у вендора.

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есть еще документы Sizing Guide по каждому продукту (позволяют определить требования при определенных нагрузках), но их надо запрашивать у вендора.

Похоже это мне и надо.


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