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Сергей Ильин

Обзор и сравнение решений для защиты от утечки информации (DLP)

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Сергей Ильин

SC Magazine сравнивал аппаратные многофункциональные устройства UTM (Unified Threat Management), которые наделены функциями по предотвращению утечки конфиденциальных данных (Data Leak Prevention).

Сравнивались следующие продукты:

BigFix DLP 1.1

Code Green Networks Content Inspection Appliance

Dolphin Technology PuriFile, v3.1.3

Intelligent Wave CWAT, v3.1a

McAfee Data Loss Prevention Appliance

Nowell Group SpyForce-Al, v2.0

Oakley Networks SureView, v5.0

Tablus Content Alarm NW, v5.0

Tumbleweed Communications MailGate, v3.5

Как тестировали?

Testing this month was very straightforward. We installed the product in our test bed and tried to defeat it. The test bed was a simulation of two communicating enterprises separated by the internet. We used, mostly, Microsoft Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange with Outlook clients. The appliances were easy — one actually took fewer than five minutes to install. It had several policies already in place ready for tuning. Software required more setup and installation. In general, all of the products we reviewed, in the context of our testing, performed quite well.

As always, there is the beginning of a convergence in this market space. Last year, we had fewer products to look at. However, this year we are beginning to see extrusion prevention as part of multipurpose gateways. I predict that within a couple of years, extrusion prevention will be a stable function of UTMs, which already contain intrusion prevention systems.

This, as always, was an interesting month, and the products show remarkable maturity. Two years ago, the term extrusion prevention was hardly known. Today, it is a major piece of the enterprise security tool kit.


For its ease of use and deployment, good pricing and comprehensive protection, we award the BigFix DLP (Data Leak Prevention), a full-featured part of the BigFix product suite, our Best Buy. The Oakley Networks SureView appliance offers very complete extrusion prevention. If you need very strong data leakage protections with powerful forensics, this is the product for you. For its unique approach to forensics, we designate this product Recommended.

Полный текст сравнения можно посмотреть здесь


Там есть оценки каждого решения по набору параметров (Features, Ease of Use, Performance, Documentation, Support, Value for Money, Overall Rating).

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