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OfficeScan 11 includes the following new features:

Enhanced policy management user interface: OfficeScan’s new policy management framework enables administrators to manage endpoint policies using configuration profiles and network scope. This policy framework will extend to OfficeScan plug-ins, enabling side-by-side configuration and management of endpoint configurations. Additionally, changes have been made to the OfficeScan console to permit a single policy to span across multiple OfficeScan servers, simplifying the management of endpoints in large, distributed networks.

Windows Embedded Platform Support: Additional changes have been made to the OfficeScan client to bring its unique “light and lean” capabilities to Windows Embedded platforms, including XP Embedded, Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and Windows Embedded Standard 7.

Expanded 64-Bit Platform Support: OfficeScan 11 has enhanced Data Protection, Device Control, Behavior Monitoring, and self-protection features when deployed on Windows 64-bit endpoints.

Expanded VDI Support: OfficeScan 11’s VDI solution now supports VMware, Citrix, and Microsoft Hyper-V VDI deployments, making OfficeScan the quickest, leanest, and most secure endpoint security solution available for both physical and virtual deployments.

TMCM v6.0 includes the following new features:

Policy-based management: Policy-based management allows administrators to design and revise security policies centrally; deploy them to designated targets within their corporate environment; in an intuitive and simplified way.

Direct Endpoint Management: Equipped with capabilities of both central and end-point management, Trend Micro Control Manager enables end-to-end manageability and provides a deployment option with a significantly lower cost of ownership.

Increased Visibility: New dashboards provide comprehensive visibility into product configurations and central data protection policies; minimize configuration errors and maximize protection agility.

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Alexey Dudnikov

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