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Сергей Ильин

Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance 8.0 (Beta)

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Сергей Ильин

Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance 8.0 вышел в бету, в нем есть ряд интересных особенностей. Вариант поставки в виде виртуального программно-аппаратного комплекса вообще очень интересный, должен быть все больше востребован с ростом % виртуализованных серверов.


IMSVA Hybrid Email Security leverages the power of cloud computing to detect and block approximately 80% to 90% of inbound spam, virus and other malware before it arrives at your gateway – with no false positives. This provides significant relief in terms of bandwidth cost, allows for consolidation of existing servers to reduce power, cooling, software and administration costs. However, enterprises retain control of configuring more specific security and content scanning on the remaining email traffic. In addition, enterprises have complete control of outbound scanning requirements to protect confidential, regulatory and intellectual property related content, as well as ensuring the outbound messages are not spam or contain viruses.

The cloud-based scanning and on-premise IMSVA 8.0 are managed as a single ”entity” through the IMSVA 8.0 administration interface. All configuration, policy, monitoring, reporting and log tracking is accomplished through the easy-to-use IMSVA 8.0 web-based administration UI.

In addition to providing true Hybrid Email Security, IMSVA 8.0 introduces several new features on the virtual or software appliance platform. These features (listed below) provide the latest in spam and malware detection as well as detect and block phishing and spoofing attacks. Improvements have also been made to the product usability.

New Features

Email Threat Protection

o Seamless integration of Hybrid Email Security

o Detect & block non-spam emails with embedded URLs that are associated with websites that have bad reputations

o Sender Authentication using industry standard DomainKeys Identified Mail

o Up-to-the-minute bot-net spam outbreaks using the IP-Hash technique

o Extended, more flexible Transport Layer Security (TLS) controls that can force the use of encryption and verify certificates


o Expanded End-User Quarantine (EUQ) capabilities that can report on virtually any defined quarantine decreasing administration burden in seeking false positives for non-spam related policies.

o Centralization of commonly used policy components such as keywords, expressions, notifications, address groups and others. This allows the admin to have a single place to create and change these components and the changes are immediately reflected in policies that use them.

o Migration support from previous levels of IMSVA as well as other IMSS platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.).

Подписаться на бету Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance 8.0 и скачать его можно тут:


Вета-тестирование пройдет с 30 июля по 30 сентября

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Pavel Polyanskiy

Собственно, IMSVA как и IWSVA уже давно доступен в вирутальной форме :)

New Features

o Detect & block non-spam emails with embedded URLs that are associated with websites that have bad reputations

o Up-to-the-minute bot-net spam outbreaks using the IP-Hash technique

Интересно, как это реализовано? подробнее есть инфа об этих функциях?

Что это дает?

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Сергей Ильин
Интересно, как это реализовано? подробнее есть инфа об этих функциях?

Насколько я знаю, это работает все на базе Smart Protection Network (web reputation). Производится проверка урлов в письмах по базе подозрительных или вредоносных в режиме онлайн.

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